
«Delfina Gómez celebra la visita de AMLO al Estado de México: Un encuentro histórico»

Delfina Gómez Álvarez, virtual governor of the State of Mexico, celebrated the visit of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the state to oversee federal infrastructure projects. The president will review the progress of the construction of the Mexico-Toluca Interurban Train and the expansion of the Suburban Train that will connect the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) with Mexico City.

«For the upcoming governor, these projects are a priority to complement the existing infrastructure and turn the State of Mexico into the country’s logistics center and one of the main engines of the national economy. Improving transportation and connectivity in the state are key to economic growth, job creation, and the well-being of the people of the State of Mexico,» explained Delfina Gómez.

The President announced that on Friday, June 30, he will supervise the expansion of the Suburban Train to AIFA and visit the municipality of Atenco. On Sunday, July 2, he will evaluate the progress of the Mexico-Toluca Train construction.

«The State of Mexico has always been a priority for the development of Mexico, and now with AIFA and the Mexico-Toluca Train, it will become a very important hub of development,» said Delfina Gómez.

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